Thursday, August 13, 2015

Things to Consider when Buying a PC in Japan

So you just got off the plane, at where... Narita? Kansai International? Haneda?
...and you NEED a new computer! 

So, what happened? Maybe...
a). You didn't bring a computer because you could only carry so much luggage, and you figured you'd buy one here anyway.
b). You brought your old computer with you but it died recently.
c). Your old PC just doesn't cut it anymore, and you need to upgrade.
d). You're looking to buy your first computer, and you just want to know what options you have open to you, being in Japan, and all.

What things should you consider? What points are specific to Japan only?
What general points should you think about before for any PC purchase?

Japan specific - Questions you should ask yourself before buying a PC in Japan.

General - Questions you should ask yourself before buying any computer.

  • What will you use your PC for? Content Creation, or Content Consumption? Gaming? [ie. Will you need a Hi-spec, or Average-spec PC?]
  • Where will you use it? At home only, or are you a road-warrior? [ie. Will you want a Desktop, or Laptop?]
  • Should you choose an SSD or HDD? [Do you favor speed, or storage capacity?]
  • Integrated Graphics, or Dedicated Graphics? [If you play graphics intensive games, "Crysis", for example, you'll need dedicated graphics.]
  • Memory vs Storage. [Memory, a.k.a. "RAM", is short-term high-speed memory that helps your CPU run at full speed. Storage, is how many movies you can keep on your hard-disk.]
  • Back-Up.
  • CloudStorage for safety. [Consider Google Drive, or SkyDrive for your important files in case something goes wrong.]

All of these options will be covered, and my aim is to give you as much information
as possible before you spend your hard-earned yen on a new machine.